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Jesus was a revolutionary teacher that shunned the perfect in preference of the poor, he poured his life into those who had a belief that there has to be more.  More to life, more to relationships, more to community, more to the mundane.  Jesus was the counter measure to a culture that was out of control.  Culture used people as things.  Consumption, prestige and power that were the fashion and political statement of the day. Jesus was the master of the 'tipping point'. When culture and human reason would push people to the brink of desperation, Jesus came with a message of a Kingdom that had already come...and was coming!, a Kingdom without a capricious monarchy, a kingdom of true power, a kingdom of perspective.  The best part? Everyone was invited...I want to invite you to partner with us to tell the story of life change from around the world which we believe could be the catalyst to an urgent call to the body of Christ in the west to move forward in the power and might of Jesus the Messiah.

the power of the story

we can do this with one another!

we are the why!

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