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OUR CURRENT 2016/17 schedule

These are the countries where we plan to gather stories, assist in training indigineous disciples and call attention to the areas of greatest need - Perhaps as a buisness, family or local church you can adopt a country and fund the #LIVINGBEYONDSUNDAY team to engage with that people group.  We will provide you with a video update of the people of that country and how you can further enagage in prayer and encouragement.  Some of these countries are high risk areas for followers of Jesus, so to protect unneccesary suffering we will sometimes have to film and report in a way that protects their identity.

The religious demographics of Haiti are: Roman Catholic 80%, Protestant 16%, none 1%, other 3%. But within these statistics, it is a fact that most Haitians are involved in Voodoo, some deeply and others marginally.

With the population of Thailand approximately  67 Million and Burma/Myanmar 54 Million; Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam are the dominant religions. Many however, despite the danger, are turning to Jesus.

Although for over 93 Million people the tradional religions of confusionism, Taoism & Buddhism have been prevelant, there is an emerging network of indiginous followers of Christ who are busy carrying out the great commission.

Papua new Guinea




Northern Iraq


With many displaced people fleeing the war ravaged areas of the middle east, we are hearing first hand stories of many Muslim people who are encoutering Jesus through dreams and then supernaturally finding someone who is able to share the gospel with them - many are coming to faith! yet only 0.03% have encountered Jesus.

With a population of over 160 Million, Islam is the largest religion of Bangladesh; Muslims constitute 90.2% of the population, followed by Hindus, who constitute 8.2%.  Again, we are hearing incredible stories of organic faith networks that are discipling families and communities as people are finding freedom in Jesus.

P.N.G has a population of over 7 Million people.  With early missionary efforts their are now many who would identify as 'Christian'.  The reality is that many of these people still practise their own tradional tribal worship. Their is a growing disciple making movement emerging that is reconnecting people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Project editing


Regular Support

$3500.00 Per Month

Camera Gear




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